Guest researcher at ScanArc

Hugo Lucas and his supervisor from ScanArc Daniel Sundberg.

 Guest researcher at ScanArc

ScanArc is part of the European research program NEW-MINE. NEW-MINE gathers scientists, engineers, economists and policy makers who can develop cost-effective, environmentally friendly ways to reduce future remediation costs, reclaim valuable land, while at the same time unlocking valuable resources. Europe has somewhere between 150,000 and 500,000 landfill sites. To avoid future environmental and health problems, many of these landfills will soon require expensive remediation measures.

In November, ScanArc has had the pleasure of receiving Hugo Lucas as guest researcher. Hugo is a PhD student in the NEW-MINE project. During his time with us, he has learned about our activities and techniques, while contributing by sharing his experiences and knowledge.

Thank you for your time with us, Lucas!

Read more about NEW-MINE at